Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Blog Stage 8

        Hannah, in your blog "Political Parties" you discuss the good and bad of political parties, but you don't go far into depth with your topic. For example a large majority of Americans do not know the difference in Republicans and Democrats, and many more of the Americans that know of the difference, do not know what Liberals and Comservatives are. Another point is a decent percentage of American citizens choose their politics party off of what party their parents follow. This can lead to people voting for beliefs that they don't even follow, which will ultimately lead to biased elections.
        In the end you need to add more supporting evidence and add sources to prove your facts and points. You need to have statistics in your paper to to back up your ideas, also don't have a question in your paper ("so are political parties good or bad") and don't answer it at the end. You do clarify that we are all Americans and they are dangerous but you never fully say what they are.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Blog Assignment Part 7

      A few days ago the Pentagon lifts the ban on transgender service members serving in the U.S. armed forces. This means that all transgender soldiers can no longer be discharged or never reenlisted from or into the military. Before this the policy was in-placed by Barrack Obama called "Don't ask, don't tell," and it is turning into its last phase later this year. These new policies will benefit the 9,000 to 14,000 transgenders in the U.S. armed forces. This is a liberty many Americans have been wait for for years, a lady named Sheri Swokowski is one of them. During the 2015 she made a bold statement while giving a speech at the Pride Month parade.
       In the end of the day I see this as a major step moving forward for the LGBT community and I'm happy they're finally becoming integrated into our society, even though I don't completely agree with all of their arguments... as in none. The LGBT community causes such a ruckus over being treated unfair and poorly. But this was one area I agree there should be change.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Blog Assignment Stage 6

       Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. Religion isn't an impediment to society, it is a path that people follow and base their lives on. Without this some people would be lost or wouldn't find their purpose and for some people it is religion that saved them. There are many people whom were saved by religious charities and organization were without those they would too still be lost. While evidence points towards the fact that religion hurts society and the economy but it also helps bring people together, create community, and give hope. Need me remind you that our own country, the United States, started because of the religious turmoil in Britain. Without religion our country probably would not be the same as it is today and the whole world may be greatly altered.

       And here's a question, did you ever think that if a so called "barbaric book" has influenced billions of people for thousands of years, and the fact that people basically sell their lives and die for it, that it is probably more than just a dogma to justify our action?
Blog Assignment Part 5

       I find by far the biggest issue in America is ISIS and it's major threats of terrorism. ISIS's main goal is to bankrupt the United States, not to kill everyone but to put the country in such a financial hole that it will be almost impossible for America to recover from, and they might easily obtain their goal. The U.S. spends roughly 9 million dollars a day just to fight the growing terror threats and has spent 2.7 billion since the Americans began operations in Iraq. This is why I believe we need a more bold president that will crush ISIS fast enough and end the reign of the infamous terrorism group no matter the cost.

       There is only one issue. How do you stop an idea? The thing about ISIS is that it is built around the idea of hating America, and only wanting to destroy America, and now seeing what has happened in Orlando literally anyone can kill dozens of men and women even if they have the cleanest record ever. And it doesn't help that there are millions of people in the U.S. either, you can't watch them all. Anyone can be planning a terrorist act but the government can't respond until they finally break a law which is hard in a country that prides itself on social privacy and freedom. I guess the only thing we have to do is sit back and watch what happens.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Blog Assignment 4

       Cavan Sieckowski, a deputy director of news and analytics, wrote about a Chick-fil-a in Orlando. All Chick-fil-a's close on Sunday following God on how Sunday should be a day of rest, but this particular Chick-fil-a stayed open despite the fact. After the recent shootings, Workers from the Chick-fil-A Lee Vista in Orlando kept their restaurant open the following day to hand out free food for those lining up to give blood for the victims. Even though this is a king gesture many Americans have socially attacked Chick-fil-a over their presidents marriage equality statements and the company's past donations to anti-gay organizations.
       I find these attack on Chick-fil-a wrong, as a Christian I do not support the LGBT community, but I also understand that God does not want you to take vengeance over wrong doing or situation. But instead you should show grace because then they will see you as good. SO what I see this Chick-fil-a is doing is to just reach out and help them and pray for them for we (everyone else) is no better than them spiritually. I find people are trying to get their way to much and just won't accept things for how they are. Overall people are taking to much advantage of their rights and liberty's.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Blog Assignment Part 3

       Anjali Sareen, a full time traveler and blogger, wrote a message to many liberals that support banning all guns from the United States in her article "Orlando Is My City. And I'm Sick Of This S***". In her statement she claims that "enough is enough," and that Americans will never see change in the gun policy because nobody is taking action over the situation. Anjali wants all guns to go in order to stop these mass killings like the one in Orlando. She believes that people will reach out and write about how wrong it was on social media, which in turn will make them feel like they are doing something. But they are not really doing anything. She claims that people are to scared to stand up for the fact that just regulating guns may not be the answer and that people need to stand up for just banning guns once and for all.

       But her argument isn't completely logical. What if the gun ban was real, there are still many ways for people to kill each other, such as knives and explosives. There is almost no way to ensure the end of these killings, even when guns are banned completely. And another thing is that who ever the bad guys are they will always have guns. Look at the Mexican drug cartels for instance, guns are banned in Mexico yet these cartels still have guns and the citizens do not. The cartels use this power against the helpless, defenseless people forcing them to do whatever they want. But what if the people of Mexico did have guns? These cartels surely would be able to exert as much power right? Now what if a few of the men in the club "Purge" were carrying weapons, they could have then easily retaliated against the shooter. Furthermore, it is also invalid that people on social media and other forms of communication aren't doing anything at all. It does help spread the word on what is right or wrong and can make change. A politician could read something on social media that could change his perspective on a situation, then he could go and stand up for this new cause.

       In the end I do not completely agree with the author. I find her main points interesting and I can see how it makes sense to her but I don't think it will entirely work. The only idea I can somewhat agree on is the point she makes on peoples use of social media and only spreading the word. I agree that it is mostly pointless because there is no action, but it does help.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Blog Assignment Part 2

       Recently the Democratic Party has tried to persuade Bernie Sanders to step down in the race for president and urge his followers to vote for Hillary Clinton. But the party can't find a way to convince him without it seeming like they are trying to "strong-arm" him out of the race and Bernie just can't seem to figure out when to give up. Furthermore, Sanders vowed that he shall take the fight to Philadelphia sending the Democratic Party into unrest on how to deal with this special issue. Now the political party may have to give him a prime speaking slot or dump their Head of the Democratic Committee, Debbie Schultz. Both of which would not benefit the party as a whole greatly lessening their chances of having a democratic president.

       This article is worth reading because it can help keep you informed on what is happening today on the democratic side of politics. If Bernie Sanders doesn't drop out this can become a severe problem for the Democratic Party, this may even extremely hamper their chance at winning the presidential election.